I choose abstract images to portray the greatness in overlooked details .
I aim to express the beauty in decay by focusing on the minor and subtle qualities of texture and colour through paint , print , photography and sculpture. By working in a smaller format it invites people to get close , relate and contemplate.
Some recent work translating from images I took at start of the project . I have enjoyed experimenting with the qualities of textures and surfaces , as they become brighter and more energetic through painting and sculpture. The end result is nearly unrecognizable from starting point .
Some prints of sculpture pieces. Macro photographs of altered books , emphasising layers , colour and textures.
During the last few weeks of my project I have become very interested the concept of Wabi - Sabi , and also finding many similarities in the values of my work . The Japanese aesthetic is about the minor and hidden things so subtle and evanescent they are invisible to vulgar eyes. It is a beauty of things imperfect , impermanent and incomplete. It is humble , quiet , intimate , inward-oriented.
Some of my photographs lend themselves well to this concept.